(My Dream Ticket)

My Experience on the Italian Exchange.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Destination: Cles, Italy

This next fall I am planning to participate in an Italian Exchange program. I will be living with an Italian high school student and her family in Cles, Italy, a small town in the Italian Alps. The school we are visiting is a technical school called Pilati Liceo Scientifico. The trip includes attending school for most of the week as well as participating in field trips (touring nearby cities: Trento, Venice, and Verona). In the spring of 2012 the students we stay with in Cles will come here and spend a week living with us.
Cles, Italy


  1. fine, leave if u want to!

  2. Hey when your there can you ask the Italians why a fashion designer shaped their country!?!?!?. also can you ask them if the people in Sicily like being kicked

  3. Hi Katya! How exciting that you get to go to Italy! I'm so glad it worked out...I remember you had gone to the information session when we were there. Thanks for blogging so that we can follow you on your adventure. Hope this will be the first of many!
